What is Google Penguin and How to Deal with it?

Google Penguin

Google penguin is an algorithm developed by Google. First update of Google penguin was implemented in April 2012. This search engine algorithm is aimed to decrease ranking of all those websites which doesn’t follow Google’s webmaster guidelines. As we all know google’s search engine ranking algorithm works on many factors. One of the most important factor in search engine ranking is number of webpages linking to any web page. It is also known as back-links.

Many SEOs use this approach to achieve top ranking in Google. As a results some of bad websites/webpages comes in top ranking with keywords. Google has implemented this algorithm based on bad linking patterns, quality and authority of a webpage or website. This bad linking approach comes under black hat SEO techniques which we have discussed in previous blog post.

Google Penguin

In Simple words Google Penguin = Downgrade Websites/webpages with unnatural incoming links.
Google penguin is implemented for the webmasters SEOs who try to manipulate search engine rankings with unnatural ways of linking webpages.

There are also some bad impacts of this algorithm on quality websites. Many of the SEOs and webmasters use this as tool to downgrade competitors ranking in SERPs. So always be prepared to save your website from negative SEO.

5 Ways to deal with Google penguin

1. Create Account in Google webmaster tools and keep an eye on incoming links.
2. Always read important messages from Google webmaster account.
3. Use Disavow tool for bad links linking to your website.
4. Contact webmasters and website owners if you find any bad link pointing to your site.
5. Check pings to your WordPress blog posts.

List of Google Penguin Updates Till Date

Penguin 4.0, Phase 2 — October 6, 2016
Penguin 4.0, Phase 1 — September 27, 2016
Penguin 4.0 Announcement — September 23, 2016
Penguin Everflux — December 10, 2014
Penguin 3.0 — October 17, 2014
Google Penguin 2.1 – October 4, 2013
Google Penguin 2.0 – May 22, 2013
Google Penguin 1.2 – October 5, 2012
Google Penguin 1.1 – May 24, 2012
Google Penguin 1.0 – April 24, 2012

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